Bending the Spoon revolves around three generations of a family as they prepare to celebrate the upcoming birthday of the youngest member. Doing so, however, forces them to come to terms with past relationships, past decisions and past actions involving a long-ago family tragedy. First presented as a Reader's Theatre at the Seventh Street Theatre in Chino, the play has been called both "side-splittingly funny" and "heartbreaking."
Written and Directed by Ken Lay, it features Tracy Lay(Steel Magnolias, The Women, Sound of Music); Amanda Walker (Proof, Witness for the Prosecution, Inherit the Wind); Deborah McFatter (Shadowlands, 2 Across, Twilight of the Golds); Aaron Pyle(Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait, True West, The Pillowman); Zachary Kanner (Game of Thrones: The Rock Musical, The Lion in Winter, The Cherry Orchard); Mel Chadwick (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Glengarry Glen Ross, South Pacific); Dani Angel Bustamante (D*#n Yankees, Next to Normal, Amadeus).
Playwright/Director Ken Lay has appeared onstage in more than 30 productions including award-winning turns in Rabbit Hole, Dinner with Friends, and Of Mice and Men. He has also directed multiple productions, most recently Neil LaBute's Bash: Latterday Plays for which he was honored with a Founder's Award from the Inland Theatre League. He is also a novelist with one published novel, Dexter Clemens and the League of Honorable Youth (written under the pseudonym Dig Wilder), available on Amazon.
Friday, January 11 and Saturday, January 12 @ 8pm Sunday, January 13 @ 2pm
Tickets: $25 Proceeds support the Santa Monica Playhouse Benefit Campaign
Call the Box Office at 310-394-9779 ext 1 to book your tickets or click ------------------>