What ingredients shall we toss into the bubbling cauldron today? Fear? Hope? Love? Loss? Disappointment? Delight? Watch them dissolve, evolve and resolve into the simmering stew of our lives. Is it time to move on? am I alone in the universe? is it me she loves? can I forgive the lie? Can we scry the answers to our queries by gazing into that swirling morass or by listening to the advice of a slightly off-beat G(r)eek Chorus?
Join the members of ShortBurst® Theatre R.A.W. as they explore the deepest, darkest, weirdest issues of life and laughter, guided, consoled and controlled by a less-than-profound cadre of Muses.
Helmed by Playhouse co-artistic director Chris DeCarlo, written by Evelyn Rudie, and crafted and performed via the internationally acclaimed ShortBurst® Theatre method. Featuring Smita Bagla, Victoria Bemis, Sydni Brown, Marty Cohen, Jazmin Dant, Bob Hucul, Linda Kohn, Jonathan Liu, Allen Scheinhaus, Michael Starratt, Allie Trelles, Theda Weston and Berkeley Sanjay who does double duty as Associate Director of Adult Education.
ShortBurst® Theatre is a collaboration in which professional artists, tyro performers and members of the community at large pool their resources, their time, and their concerns, to create theatre that is relevant on a personal, local and global level, and do it all in a very short span of time, hence the name.
Over the past 36 years, ShortBurst® has created more than 4 dozen collaborative productions locally, nationally and with companies from 11 countries, many that have later become main stage and touring productions, fostering cultural exchange and understanding and making a tangible difference across the city and around the world. “The performances and collaborations are excellent and very educative. Their work is brilliant!” Fusami Sugimine, Director Global Project, International Human Network, Japan
Just a reminder: The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health changed its guidance on mask wearing to require face masks indoors regardless of vaccination status. The requirement takes effect Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. and applies within the City of Santa Monica. If you'll be attending an event in-person at the theatre, Masks Are Required.